Out of Load Teaching (Banking Policy)

A Resolution In Support of College and School-Level Banking Policy Implementation

Sponsored by The Metropolitan State Faculty Federation

Whereas: The work of the Faculty Senate Welfare Committee, the Provost’s Workload Committee, and the Cross-Functional Task Force all identified uncompensated teaching as both ethically problematic and a source of faculty dissatisfaction;

Whereas: The Deans’ representative on the AY 2022-2023 MSU Denver Faculty Handbook Committee supported  Handbook revisions to establish a University-wide banking policy to address uncompensated teaching;

Whereas: There is no prohibition on Colleges and Schools establishing a banking policy; and

Whereas: Overwhelming majorities in the Faculty Senate as well as the Steering Committee of MSFF approved such a policy;

Therefore Be It Now Resolved that each College and School of Metropolitan State University of Denver shall develop, establish, and publicize a banking policy by Spring semester 2024, to compensate  faculty who teach more than their contractually obligated credit hours in any academic year and/or overseeing internships, independent studies, and other personalized credit-bearing instruction;

And Be It Further Resolved that such policies may include monetary compensation, banking for future release time, or any other policies that reflect the specific teaching needs of any particular College or School while properly compensating faculty for work beyond their contractual obligations.