September 14, 2020
Colorado Education Association and AFT Colorado form Unity Committee

Download the Announcement (PDF)
May 20, 2020
Labor and Academe in the Time of Covid-19

Download the Full Article (PDF)
April 8, 2020
Federal response to the Coronavirus emergency: Higher Education Impacts

April 1, 2020
MSFF Annual Elections
UPDATE: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the closure of MSU Denver campus indefinitely, we are implementing an emergency modification of MSFF elections until August 2020. Members will receive nomination forms by mail.
Nominations for MSFF officers and steering committee open on March 18 and nominations close on April 1st. The nomination forms will provide additional details.
April 27, 2017
The Biennial AFT State Convention
Saturday, April 27, 2019
925 S. Niagara, Room 600
Denver, 80224
For more information, please email:
The MSFF will have 11 delegates attending.