Reduced Teaching Load Proposal Demonstrates the Need for Collective Bargaining
When: Friday, 18 February, 2022 at 3:30 p.m.
Where: Zoom!

The Steering Committee of the MSFF supports the faculty workload reduction proposed by the Workload Reduction Task Force. The proposal, as it is written and taken in its entirety, would bring MSU Denver faculty workload into alignment with our primary mission as a teaching institution, enable faculty to achieve a healthy life-work balance, and recognize the increasing pedagogical and instructional expectations of our students.
However, we also recognize that the proposal, like all faculty-generated shared governance proposals, is only advisory. The good-faith work of the WRTF may, or may not, be implemented in part or in whole. We have heard substantial mistrust from members; a disbelief that this proposal will result in policies that reduce actual workload for faculty and concern that only parts of the proposal will be put into practice, resulting not in a reduced workload but in a redistribution of the existing workload, refocusing faculty energies away from teaching toward increased expectations for research and publishing.
These fears are legitimate.
In the absence of a collective bargaining agreement, MSU Denver is under no obligation to negotiate workload or working conditions with MSU Denver faculty. There are no guarantees that the wishes of the faculty be considered as this proposal moves from the Task Force to the Administration. This is the reality of working in a state where public sector employees have no legally recognized right to organize or collectively negotiate with their employers.
As the Colorado General Assembly considers legislation that would enable MSU Denver Faculty to seek collective bargaining with MSU Denver, we invite you to a virtual town hall to discuss how such legislation would create opportunities for an organized faculty to do more than provide advisory opinions concerning working conditions. With collective bargaining, faculty would have a real seat at the decision-making table.
We are stronger together.
Join the Zoom Town Hall
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